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Build Up Your Chess 2: Beyond the Basics

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Build Up Your Chess 2: Beyond the Basics

Tática, Estratégias, Finais
Build Up Your Chess 2: Beyond the Basics

Build Up Your Chess 2 is the first volume in Yusupov’s Beyond the Basics series. The Fundamentals series shows players the basic ideas they should know, then the Beyond the Basics series sets off on the road to mastery. Yusupov guides the reader towards a higher level of chess understanding using carefully selected positions and advice. This new understanding is then tested by a series of puzzles.

Artur Yusupov was ranked No. 3 in the world from 1986 to 1992, just behind the legendary World Champions Karpov and Kasparov. He has won everything there is to win in chess except for the World Championship. In recent years he has mainly worked as a chess trainer with players ranging from World Champion Anand to local amateurs in Germany, where he resides.


1 Mating combinations

2 General endgame principles

3 Combinations involving the back rank

4 General opening principles

5 The double attack

6 Good and bad bishops

7 Candidate moves

8 The centre

9 The pin and the discovered attack

10 Zugzwang

11 Deflection

12 The Greek gift sacrifice

13 Evaluating the position

14 Planning in chess

15 An opening repertoire for White after 1.e4 e5

16 Destroying the castled position

17 An opening repertoire against 1.e4

18 Exchanging

19 Priorities when calculating variations

20 Pawn endings 1

21 Decoying

22 Time in the opening

23 Improving the position of your pieces

24 Pawn endings 2

Final test

This book is also available in the Yusupov Beyond the Basics 3 book bundle and the Yusupov Training Series 10 book bundle.

Autor: Artur Yusupov
Publicado por Quality Chess
Linguagem: Inglês

Estatísticas Globais

Nº de lances do livro: 15066
Nº de palavras no livro: 13477
Nº de palavras em comentários: 20288
Nº de lances comentados: 3129

Estatísticas dos Exercícios

Nº de exercícios: 429
Nº de lances nos exercícios: 5711
Nº de lances jogáveis: 3119
Total de variantes jogáveis: 967
Nº de lances comentados: 2375
Nº de palavras em comentários: 14468

Estatísticas do Lance do Mestre

Nº de lances: 681
Nº de lances jogáveis: 346
Nº de lances comentados: 417
Nº de palavras em comentários: 3236
Sub variantes do LDM: 232