Yusupov Fundamentals bundle (4 books)
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The Fundamentals series is the first level in the three level training course by Artur Yusupov, often referred to as the “Orange books”.
The Fundamentals level comprises the 4 books available in this bundle:
- Build Up Your Chess: Fundamentals 1
- Boost Your Chess: Fundamentals 1
- Chess Evolution: Fundamentals 1
- Revision and Exam: Fundamentals 1
Note: If you have previously purchased any of these books on Chesstempo, a pro rata discount will be applied to the full bundle price.
Build up your Chess 1 with Artur Yusupov is the first book in Artur Yusupov’s Fundamentals series for chess players who want to build their skills on solid foundations. Yusupov guides the reader towards a higher level of understanding using carefully selected positions and advice. This new understanding is then tested by a series of puzzles.
Boost your chess 1 is the second book in Artur Yusupov’s Fundamentals series, building on the material covered in the first book.
Chess evolution 1 is the third book in Artur Yusupov’s Fundamentals series.
Revision & Exam – Fundamentals 1 is the essential companion to Artur Yusupov’s award-winning Fundamentals series. Containing 432 exercises, Revision & Exam - Fundamentals 1 offers the perfect way to test your understanding of the material covered in the first level of the series.