Revision and Exam 1: Fundamentals
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Revision & Exam – Fundamentals 1 is the essential companion to Artur Yusupov’s award-winning Fundamentals series. Containing 432 exercises, Revision & Exam - Fundamentals 1 offers the perfect way to test your understanding of the material covered in the first level of the series.
Artur Yusupov was ranked No. 3 in the world from 1986 to 1992, just behind the legendary World Champions Karpov and Kasparov. He has won everything there is to win in chess except for the World Championship. In recent years he has mainly worked as a chess trainer with players ranging from World Champion Anand to local amateurs in Germany, where he resides.
Part I
Mating motifs (tactics)
Mating motifs 2 (tactics)
Basic opening principles (opening)
Simple pawn endings (endgame)
Double check (tactics)
The value of the pieces (positional play)
The discovered attack (tactics)
Centralizing the pieces (strategy)
Mate in two moves (calculating variations)
The opposition (endgame)
The pin (tactics)
The double attack (tactics)
Realizing a material advantage (positional play)
Open files and outposts (strategy)
Combinations (tactics)
Queen against pawn (endgame)
Stalemate motifs (tactics)
Forced variations (calculating variations)
Combinations involving promotion (tactics)
Weak points (positional play)
Pawn combinations (tactics)
The wrong bishop (endgame)
Smothered mate (tactics)
Gambits (opening)
Part II
The windmill (tactics)
Pawn weaknesses (strategy)
Back rank combinations (tactics)
Exploiting weaknesses (positional play)
The 7th rank (tactics)
Fortresses (endgame)
The pawn wedge (tactics)
Opening traps (opening)
The use of traps (calculating variations)
Stalemate combinations (tactics)
The semi-open file (strategy)
Mate with bishop and knight (endgame)
Combinations involving files (tactics)
Outposts (positional play)
Combinations involving diagonals (tactics)
Elementary endgames (endgame)
Combinations with knights (tactics)
The principles behind mobilization (opening)
Perpetual check (tactics)
Mate in two moves 2 (calculating variations)
Combinations with the major pieces (tactics)
Coordination of the pieces (positional play)
Combinations with knights 2 (tactics)
Zugzwang (endgame)
Part III
Combinations involving bishops (tactics)
Diagonals (strategy)
Queen sacrifices (tactics)
Realizing a material advantage in a pawn ending (endgame)
Realizing a material advantage 2 (positional play)
Attacking with queen and knight (tactics)
The open games (opening)
Attacking with queen and rook (tactics)
Forced variations 2 (calculating variations)
Attacking with queen and bishop (tactics)
Positional advantages (positional play)
Bishop against pawns (endgame)
Attacking with queen and pawn (tactics)
Attacking (strategy)
Attacking with rook and bishop (tactics)
Knight against pawn (endgame)
Attacking with rook and knight (tactics)
Semi-open games (opening)
Combinations involving promotion 2 (tactics)
Mate in three moves (calculating variations)
Mating nets in the endgame (tactics)
The passed pawn (positional play)
Combinations involving files 2 (tactics)
Queen against rook (endgame)
This book is also available in the Yusupov Fundamentals 4 book bundle and the Yusupov Training Series 10 book bundle.